
Showing posts from June, 2018

Wednesday June 27th

Students continued working on their budget booklets and handed in at the end of the day.

Tuesday June 26th

Students continued with their budget booklets. They are due at the end of class tomorrow.

Monday June 25th

Students worked on their budget booklets.

Friday June 22nd

Students continued working on their budget/financial literacy booklets. They are due next week.

Thursday June 21st

Students continued working on their budgeting booklets. I will reevaluate the due date in class tomorrow.

Wednesday June 20th

Students continued working on their budget/financial literacy booklets.

Tuesday June 19th

Students continued with their financial literacy booklets. I have given a due date of this Friday as they will be working on another project in class next week.

Monday June 18th

I was away Friday. Both Friday and today, students continued working on either their in class I packages or their financial literacy booklets.

Thursday June 14th

Students continued working on their financial literacy booklets or I packages and retests.

Wednesday June 13th

Students continued working on their booklets.

Tuesday June 12th

Students continued working on their I packages or financial literacy booklets.

Friday June 8th

Students worked on their I packages and retests.

Thursday June 7th

Students continued with their make up packages.

Wednesday June 6th

Students continued with their booklets.

Tuesday June 5th

Students continued working on their individual packages.

Monday June 4th

Students are now working on make up packages in class for any tests they did not pass during the course. Once a chapter section is done, they will take a retest for that chapter. For some students, this will take most of the time between now and the end of the year. When students are done their make up packages there are financial literacy packages to work on, about making a budget, calculating interest, net worth, the costs of credit and the costs of post secondary.

Friday June 1st

We had a chat about tests. Students wanting to rewrite need to fill out a retake reflection form and have it signed by parents before they can redo a test. I handed out individual in class I packages.