
Showing posts from May, 2018

Thursday May 31st

Today students wrote their Pythagorean Theorem and Trigonometry test.

Wednesday May 30th

Today students worked on a practice test for tomorrow's test. They can check their answers here:

Tuesday May 29th

Today we went through examples for finding angles using the reverse trigonometric function, and solving right triangles using trigonometric functions. Test on Thursday.

Monday May 28th

Today was assignment 11 about using tangent to solve right triangles and quiz 2.

Friday May 25th

Today was assignment 9 and 10.

Thursday May 24th

Today we did notes for cosine. Assignments 7 and 8 were work for today. The next quiz is Monday and the unit test is next Thursday.

Wednesday May 23rd

Today was assignment 5 and 6. We went through examples as a class then students had plenty of time to finish their assignments. I also gave out an extra practice sheet.

Tuesday May 22nd

Today was assignment 4, followed by quiz 1.

Friday May 18th

Today's assignment was #3, I also had an extra handout for more practice.

Tuesday May 15th

Today was the unit 6 test. Some students have been away and chose to work on their practice test from yesterday and make up the test on their own time at lunch tomorrow.

Monday May 14th

Today was a practice test for tomorrow's test. Students were given a practice test VERY similar to their test tomorrow. They were also given an answer key to check how to do the problem if they get stuck at home while studying.

Friday May 11th

Assignment 10 was today. Practice test Monday.

Thursday May 10th

Today's assignments were number 8 and 9.

Wednesday May 9th

Students did assignments 6 and 7 today, as well as quiz 2. The test is coming up on Tuesday, students should be studying and practicing.

Tuesday May 8th

Students wrote quiz 1 today and did assignment 5. Quiz 2 is tomorrow afternoon after 2 more assignments are done in class.

Monday May 7th

Today as assignment 3 and 4. Quiz 1 tomorrow

Thursday May 3rd

Today we started on chapter 6, similarity of figures.

Wednesday May 2nd

Today was the chapter 5 test. We are trying something new called two stage tests. First, students wrote their tests individually, then they wrote a similar one in groups. Both the individual mark and the group mark will combine to make up the student's mark. If a student does better individually than they do with their combined score, they will get their higher score.

Tuesday May 1st

Today was a practice test for tomorrow's test.